SSL weakness affecting links from pa

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Fri Apr 11 23:03:06 PDT 1997

At 01:54 AM 4/11/97 -0500, ARTURO GRAPA YSUNZA <agrapa at> wrote:
>under "Credit Card Security Concerns and Microsoft's Response"
>for Microsoft's response on the SSL GET/POST weakness. ¿Any opinions?

Thanks for the pointer to MS's security site; there's a lot of
good information there.

I was highly unimpressed with Microsoft's Response:
	"It's Not A Security Flaw"
	"But Everybody Important Works Around It"
	"And we're fixing it in the next release"
without providing much detail about what's going on.
It does indicate what to look into to avoid it when writing web pages,
but it doesn't say how to avoid it when entering your credit card number
into a web page, or what to look for as a non-programmer user.

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at
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