GC: Alert addition to da home page.

Daniel Miskell DMiskell at envirolink.org
Sat Apr 5 14:30:26 PST 1997

Greets, everyone!  To keep this message short, I'm just going to
beg and plead you all to go surf my page.  More specifically, I'm
begging you to surf the alert section of my page, I just put it
up today, and I think that it's something everyone needs to see.
My page is at:


Wether or not you like me, or even know me, I think you ALL should
read this, and pass it on to your friends.
The following signature attachment has been reviewed and edited
by the United States Government, as per the standards set forth
by the Telecommunications Decency Act of 1996.  The following
text is the remaining signature, deemed holesome and acceptable
for consumption by the general public:

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