[To TruthMonger] Feds reading this list, Jim Bell, and threats

Bill Stewart stewarts at ix.netcom.com
Sat Apr 5 02:36:07 PST 1997

At 07:32 PM 4/4/97 -0800, TM wrote:
>  Pardon me for beating my Hitler analogies to death, but when 
>  Hitler was Fuhrer, the trains ran on time. 

Just for historical correction, it was Mussolini who _said_ he'd
make the trains run on time in Italy, and used fascistic methods
to attempt to get them to do so.  I don't know that there's any
evidence that he actually _succeeded_ in getting the trains to
run on time, just in being remembered for declaring that he would.

Now, the trains to Auschwitz may have been running on their schedules,
but that wasn't a good thing....

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at ix.netcom.com
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