Sabotaging Big Brother Inside Corporate Complicity

Kent Crispin kent at
Tue Apr 1 23:24:45 PST 1997

On Tue, Apr 01, 1997 at 03:45:47PM -0800, "TruthMonger" wrote:

[cliche-ridden political babble deleted]

>   No matter what lengths the government goes to to infringe
> on basic human rights, there will always be individuals and
> corporations fighting over who gets to profit from the actions,
> all the while claiming, "We don't put them in the ovens, we
> just turn on the gas."

Oh, we're to the death camps, are we?  I guess that counts as 
invoking Hitler.

>   Do corporations have more rights than the citizens?
>   That depends entirely on the citizens.
> TruthMonger
> "We have met the enemy, and he is Kent."

Actually, you don't have a clue what I think, what my motives 
are, or what I favor.  Awareness of reality is the first requirement 
for sanity.

Kent Crispin				"No reason to get excited",
kent at			the thief he kindly spoke...
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