Hallam-Baker demands more repudiations or he'll write!

Jean-Francois Avon jf_avon at citenet.net
Thu Sep 26 23:40:47 PDT 1996

On 26 Sep 96 at 20:46, snow wrote:

>      Having been a firefighter for about 4 years, I can say that for
> small fires water works quite a bit better. For larger fires (over a
> hundred acres or so) setting a backfire, or burning out the fuel in
> the direction the fire is probably going to go is a hell of a lot
> easier than hauling millons and millions of gallons or
> blood^h^h^h^h^h water.
> Petro, Christopher C.
> petro at suba.com <prefered for any non-list stuff>
> snow at smoke.suba.com

Well, let's not debate over firefighting, a lousy analogy...

As long as Canadair sells water bombers, let them do.  It brings 
money to Montreal...


As for Jim Bell, he would probably say that he just proposes to use 
your techniques. :)


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