Pseudonym server: Jenaer Anonymous Service

Lance Cottrell loki at
Sat Sep 21 18:55:31 PDT 1996

At 2:37 PM -0700 9/1/96, Lutz Donnerhacke wrote:
>* stewarts at wrote:
>It's strongly recomment to use a reply server to forward your requests to.
>The server sends all outgoing messages via mixmaster chains.
>(mixmaster at can is always the first one in the chain).

This is very important. You don't want to send it your real address to
deliver to. I strongly recommend using alt.anonymous.messages.

A program called "newscan" is ideal for checking news based message pools.
It scans news on a server of your choice, and saves messages based on
criteria that you specify.


Lance Cottrell   loki at
PGP 2.6 key available by finger or server.
Mixmaster, the next generation remailer, is now available! or FTP to

"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly
it flips over, pinning you underneath.  At night the ice
weasels come."

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