RRE: Digital Objects Identifiers

E. Allen Smith EALLENSMITH at ocelot.Rutgers.EDU
Wed Sep 11 18:48:37 PDT 1996

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Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 15:59:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: Paul Evan Peters <paul at cni.org>
To: Multiple recipients of list <cni-announce at cni.org>
Subject: Digital Objects Identifiers

Dear CNI-Announce subscribers:

I thought that you would like to have the attached brought
to your attention, especial so since:

o it deals with a critical technical issue in the evolution 
  of the networked information environment, and

o involves the Association of American Publishers (AAP) and 
  the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), 
  two organizations with which CNI collaborates from time to 
  time, as well as

o Reed Elsevier, Inc., the parent corporation of Elsevier 
  Science B.V., a member of the CNI Task Force.



Paul Evan Peters                                           paul at cni.org
Executive Director                                     fax 202-872-0884
Coalition for Networked Information                        202-296-5098
21 Dupont Circle                                     ftp://ftp.cni.org/
Washington, DC 20036                        gopher://gopher.cni.org:70/
USA                                http://www.cni.org/CNI.homepage.html

CONTACT:  Judith Platt: 202-232-3335, ext. 229
                        jplatt at publishers.org

Washington, D.C.  September 9, 1996


The Association of American Publishers (AAP) today announced
selection of the team that will develop a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
system for use by the publishing industry.  The team,  comprising
R.R. Bowker, a division of Reed Elsevier, Inc., and the Corporation
for National Research Initiatives (CNRI),  was chosen following a
competitive bidding process initiated last spring as part of AAP's
all-out effort to promote development of systems for managing
copyright in the digital environment.  Copyright management is
seen as the key to successful commercial use of the Internet by the
publishing industry.

The DOI project is the outgrowth of a year-long AAP initiative to
identify the needs of the publishing industry to facilitate safe and
successful commercial ventures on the Internet and in other networked
environments.   AAP's initial research revealed a fundamental need
for a unique, unambiguous way to identify digital materials-- a type
of "electronic license plate" for a "digital vehicle" traveling the
information superhighway. The Digital Object Identifier system will
serve that purpose.

The Bowker/CNRI team will focus on three key areas during the first
year: developing a numbering system for identifying digital objects
created by publishers; creating an agency for assigning publisher numbers;
and developing a network-based directory to link digital objects to
their publisher.   DOIs will be made accessible via a high-speed computer
system developed by CNRI--a scalable, distributed system on the Internet,
with open interfaces, allowing information about digital material to be
retrieved almost instantaneously.  R.R. Bowker will establish the
agency for making publisher numbers and other related information
available to any and all publishers.  Since the DOI system uses open
standards, publishers and other companies can build their own
products and services based around DOIs.

AAP President Nicholas Veliotes said that "In selecting the team to
develop a DOI system, AAP is taking a major step forward in the search
for viable, effective copyright management in the electronic
environment.  Our members see this as a top priority as the publishing
industry positions itself for the new Century."

Robert Badger (Springer Verlag NY), a member of AAP's Enabling
Technologies Committee and head of its DOI task force, pointed out:
"For people to buy and sell information on the Internet, the publishing
community needs two things which this announcement sets in motion.
First, we need a simple way to identify which piece of information
is being purchased; that's what the number does. Second, we need an
easy way for the reader to get current information about the digital
object--and this system will accomplish that by directing the reader's
question immediately to the right place in the publishing organization.
It's more than just a Universal Product Code for information; it's a
market-making mechanism."

Robert Kahn, President of CNRI and a recognized pioneer in the
development of the Internet, said "We are delighted that our technology
was selected for this important application. It will provide a key
component of the global information infrastructure and can serve
as a model for information access across many sectors of the economy."

R.R. Bowker's Publisher Peter Simon noted that "As the organization
that runs the ISBN Agency in the United States, and the publisher of
key tools for locating published materials (including the preeminent
Books in Print database), we are very pleased to be contributing our
experience and expertise to creating new standards for digital materials
and facilitating commerce on the Internet for the publishing industry."

The Association of American Publishers is the principal trade
association of the U.S. book publishing industry.  Its members publish
hardcover and paperback books in every field, including general
fiction and non-fiction, poetry, children's books, textbooks, Bibles,
reference works, scientific, medical, technical, professional, and
scholarly books and journals, and a range of educational materials
for the elementary, secondary, postsecondary and professional
markets.  AAP members also produce computer software and
electronic products and services, including online databases and
CD-ROM.  Among AAP's primary concerns is the protection of
intellectual property rights at home and abroad, in all media.

R.R. Bowker, a division of Reed Elsevier, Inc., is one of the foremost
U.S. bibliographic publishers, providing reference information to
libraries, booksellers, and publishers since 1872.   Its Books in Print
database is currently available in hard copy, CD-ROM, tape & site
license, and online.  In addition, Bowker is the independent agent
in the U.S. for the International ISBN and SAN systems.  The ISBN
is an identification system for books and other media which allows
for order processing by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers
and distributors.  DOI project contact at Bowker is Maureen Adamson,
Vice President, Business Development--(908) 665-2856;
madamson at reedref.com.

The Corporation for National Research Initiatives is an
internationally recognized leader in information technology research
and development, with particular strength in networking, large-scale
information systems, and digital object infrastructure. A non-profit
organization formed in 1986 to foster research and development
for a national information infrastructure, CNRI has, since its
inception, been actively engaged in the establishment of open,
non-proprietary technological approaches for networked systems.
DOI project contact at CNRI is Constance McLindon, Director, System
Deployment--(703) 620-8990; mclindon at cnri.reston.va.us.

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