Court challenge to AOL junk-mail blocks

snow snow at
Mon Sep 9 15:56:10 PDT 1996

On Fri, 6 Sep 1996 AwakenToMe at wrote:

> In a message dated 96-09-06 23:31:06 EDT, rwright at (Ross Wright)
> writes:
> <<  Everyone on this list seems to want to limit
>  government  intervention EXCEPT when it comes to spam, then every
>  one just holds the door open wide and let them in.  If they get that
>  inch, they WILL take the whole 9 YARDS!!!!!!  Get a clue, delete or
>  killfile those who spam and keep the government out of
>  cyberspace!!!!!!
>   >>
> Tell me about it. Im on AOL. WHO CARESSSSSSS if ya get one MAYBE two pieces
> of  mail you take LESS than a second to delete them both with the handy
> delete key. These people are wasting more time complaining about it than they
> will ever do actually deleting it.

     I would guess that AOL isn't doing it just because of user complaints.
AOL has millions of accounts, and spammers try to hit ALL of the addresses.
That probably (I am guessing here) doubles (or triples) the load on AOL's 
already over burdened mail system. 

Petro, Christopher C.
petro at <prefered for any non-list stuff>
snow at

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