What is the EFF doing exactly?

pstira at escape.com pstira at escape.com
Fri Sep 6 06:45:10 PDT 1996

Not just DC and Chicago, I'm afraid.  If anyone around NYC noticed, there 
are less and less payphones, and all new ones installed, just about, are 
those yellow credit card phones.  Not all of them, but it's now one for 
one, at least.

PS: i wrote a fiction book about this a few years ago -- i should have 
published. People could've said i was the next nostradamus. :( 

On Wed, 4 Sep 1996, Black Unicorn wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Sep 1996, Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:
> > 
> > jim bell <jimbell at pacifier.com>
> > >"Addressed", maybe, but that doesn't necessarily mean, "solved."  For many 
> > >decades, people have been able to walk up to a pay telephone at 3:00 AM and 
> > >make a harassing phone call to somebody, a "problem" which still exists and 
> > >no solution is being implemented for.
> Incidently, this is being "solved."
> In D.C. and Chicago the solution is to rip up the payphones and not permit
> new ones to be installed.
> If anyone objects the officals responsible make a wide gesture and say "We
> didn't take away your phones, CRIMINALS took away your phones."
> > amusing the way you phrase that-- you didn't say, "phone", but "pay 
> > phone". the statement used to hold in general for all "phones", but
> > then caller id, caller blocking, etc. have been introduced that
> > make this no longer true. so in a very real sense, anonymity in 
> > the phone system was considered a "problem" by some that has been
> > "solved" or "modified" by some recent advancements. (yes, most people
> > agree caller ID is an advancement).
> > 
> Yet today one can go out and rent a cell phone on the street, or even pay
> for one's activation in cash up front without presenting any real identity
> documents.
> The real question is this, what are you going to do to anihilate anonymous
> communication, because if you think its harmful that's what you have to
> do.
> --
> I hate lightning - finger for public key - Vote Monarchist
> unicorn at schloss.li

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