When did Mondex ever claim to be anonymous?

Rich Graves rcgraves at ix.netcom.com
Mon Oct 28 17:58:26 PST 1996


R.J.Blakemore wrote:
> I'm a student at Exeter University in England.[...]
> The National Westminster Bank have teamed up with the University to
> provide every student with an "Intelligent Student Card" to replace
> our old Student ID.[...]
> As far as the card is concerned, we need it to enter all of our 
> student facilities.  Without the card, you can't play sports in the 
> sports hall, or get into many Univerity social events.  I think we 
> will even be able to use the card to electronically vote.  (The 
> implications of this are obvious - will the hierarchy know your 
> poitical standing in elections???)

Unfortunately, it's not obvious enough. There is talk of doing
something similar at Stanford, though bureaucratic incompetence and a 
few expressions of concern about privacy have delayed implementation 

Details of the uproar (and lawsuit?) would be appreciated to help 
convince the powers that be that a similar project here would be

- -rich
 not quite speaking for the stanford civil liberties union
 not quite on cypherpunks, so please cc if you want me to read it
- ---
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