Tim May is a fine person.

Dale Thorn dthorn at sm1.gte.net
Sat Oct 26 18:00:28 PDT 1996

anonymous at miron.vip.best.com wrote:
> Tim May is the author of "The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto" and the
> "Cypherpunks FAQ". These seminal works do much to promote the
> cypherpunk concept, whereby ordinary people can limit the power of
> government to snoop on their communications, by using the power of
> cryptography. By tirelessly promoting strong unescrowed cryptography,
> Tim May frightens those that would enslave us all. His opposition
> to the oppressive ITAR regs puts Tim May among those who work to
> advance the development of culture and against those who would work to suppress it.
> Much of the time devoted to these concerns could have been devoted
> to purely personal goals. Tim May must be hailed as a truly noble
> supporter of the advance of freedom and humanity.

It's illogical to argue that anyone is a fine person just because they did
a "good thing" somewhere along the line.  Marge Schott found that out, eh?

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