Recruiting machines for DES key recovery

paul at paul at
Sat Oct 26 03:17:01 PDT 1996

> There are thousands of Amigas out there, and they're powerful enough 
> to do video production on... a C port with assembler optimizations 
> shouldn't be more painful than one for a PC or Mac.  Why not put some
> of them to use (especially if they're unused) key cracking?
> [Disclaimer: I have no first hand experience with programming Amigas 
> though... would they be too slow?]

I can`t do the port myself unless the PC code is going to be in C as 
I don`t write amiga assembler anymore (not for about 2 years).

As for the speed I have an A4000/030 here which is about equivalent 
to a 486 dx 33 or similar and the average amiga, an A1200 is about 
the same as a 486 sx 25

I really don`t think a port is worth doing though because there are 
few amiga owners who use the internet extensively because the TCP/IP 
stack (amitcp) for the amiga is a load of crap.

  Datacomms Technologies web authoring and data security
       Paul Bradley, Paul at
  Paul at, Paul at    
      Email for PGP public key, ID: 5BBFAEB1
     "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"

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