"Countless third world deaths"--who cares?

jbugden at smtplink.alis.ca jbugden at smtplink.alis.ca
Thu Oct 24 08:14:48 PDT 1996

Hard Media <zaid at hardnet.co.uk> wrote:
>Citibank is a major player in the third world debt crisis.
[Thomas Bass interviewing Citibank's Walter Wriston] 
> goes on to ask if "Walter" has made any "bad loans" ie to 
>dictators and other nasty sorts
>...jeez sorry but there's naivity and there's stupidity 

"Timothy C. May" <tcmay at got.net> wrote:
>Money was lent for economic development projects...some worked,
>some didn't.  Lenders of money don't "cause" deaths. People are
>responsible for their own actions, mostly. If their governments are
>corrupt, they need to replace those governments.
 In Re: Stopping the buying of candidates
"Timothy C. May" <tcmay at got.net> wrote
>Our political system is already in thrall to various special interests;
> [...] So be it. Let the highest bidder buy the government he can.
In RE: wired wankers
Dale Thorn <dthorn at gte.net> wrote: 
>These are very serious folks [Wriston et al.]. [...] 
> Don't get in their way unless you have an angel on your side.  
>An angel with a bag of cash, actually.
In Re: Timmy May is a jerk
"Timothy C. May" <tcmay at got.net> wrote:
>I guess I'm not much of a joiner. I never donated to the United Way
"Timothy C. May" <tcmay at got.net> wrote:
>If this sounds harsh, so be it. 
>Cypherpunks is not about redistributing wealth. 

Ahh, but you don't really believe this. Your vision of cypherpunks is all about
redistributing wealth. Just not in the sense you speak of.

There is naivete and then there is complicity.


"Timothy C. May" <tcmay at got.net> wrote:
>People are responsible for their own actions, mostly.

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