[NOISE][dlv trash]Re: Timmy May is a jerk

Rabid Wombat wombat at mcfeely.bsfs.org
Tue Oct 22 11:10:16 PDT 1996

On Tue, 22 Oct 1996, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:

> Timmy May continues to post nonsensical praises in his name using
> an anonymous remailer....

I doubt Tim May has posted this - he's done a fine job of staying out of 
this stupidity.

> Timmy May <anonymous at miron.vip.best.com> writes:
> > Tim May's early support of the cypherpunk concept has helped

> Timmy May is an ignorant coward. He's got nothing better to do,
> so he starts up flame wars on this mailing list. He can't contribute
> anything crypto-relevant because he knows nothing about cryptography.

As I recall, he posted ONE piece of satire back in August. It was a 
humourous jest, and you do make yourself an easy target. You've been on 
him ever since, which proves that you can't take a joke at all. Your 
rants have been the longest running one-sided response to a troll that I 
have ever seen. Quit while you're behind.

Sandy has made you a generous offer to come out to the west coast,
expenses paid, and enlighten everyone with your knowledge of crypto.
You seem to find all manner of excuses to avoid the trip, and are using 
his offer as a further opportunity to insult the list. 

> This is a lie. Anyone who's been subscribed to this mailing list for
> a while knows that Timmy May posts to most personal attacks (inlcuiding
> attacks on his many enemies' religion and ethnicity), lies, fabricated
> quotes, flame bait, and overall noise.

Look in the mirror - attacks on religion, ethnicity, flame bait, NOISE ...

Fitting description of Dimitri, no?

Sandy - nice try at shutting up the kook, but you're just giving him the 
attention he craves at this point.

Not one person has spoken up publicly in defense of dlv; one person who 
has met him did speak on his behalf via private mail, but appears to have 
changed his mind. The points have been made. The best thing to do is drop 
dlv into the killfile, and ignore him.

I, diseased nocturnal marsupial, pledge to post no more crap to this list 
in response to, or regarding, one Dimitri Vulis, KOTM.

Take the pledge. Just say no.


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