NSA/GCSB spying shown on NZ television [RANT]

Steve Schear azur at netcom.com
Sat Oct 19 18:29:53 PDT 1996

>clint barnett wrote:
>If you think that you
>can resist the NSA and win, more power to you, and I'll help if I can, but
>I don't think you can.However, I strongly believe that you have the power
>to limit the information they steal from you, and thereby limit the
>control they have over you. If you can keep your wits about you, act fast
>when you have to, and run away to fight another day, then you can maybe
>do some good, but don't make a martyr of yourself or anyone else, because
>martyrs can't write code, they can't attack or defend a system, they can
>only lay there and rot in jail or in the ground.

To paraphrase Gen. George S. Patton, "No dumb bastard ever won by dying for
his cause, he won by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his."

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