[NOISE] About piracy & key recovery / hacked pages & Clinton-Gore

Psuedo Nym scrappo.reverb at juno.com
Thu Oct 17 21:55:37 PDT 1996

Hmmm... let's see... At about the same time
I see people talking about major software/hardware
companies going into the key recovery biz and
piracy sites _not_ getting taken off of servers (SPA).
Piracy. Software companies. Don't they have a
common bond somewhere? Wouldn't it be ironic
if a rash of piracy occurred with said companies
products being pirated?
I also noticed two other parallels: Hacked web pages
and (although not here) the Clinton/Gore re-election.
Hmm... Didn't somebody say something about
the real Dole page getting a lot of hits? Maybe the
Clinton page gets a lot of hits too. Wouldn't that be a
hoot if somebody hacked their page and changed it
to something more meaningful, say, how they are
pushing the terribly dangerous key-recovery project.
Even a subtle hack, such as putting a link to national
and international sites carrying PGP, would have an
In the true spirit of the subject, I am not responsible.
I am not responsible if this happens.
Food for thought/no need to reply.

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