Killing Mr. Wallace of "Savetrees"?

Bruce M. bkmarsh at
Tue Oct 15 07:25:41 PDT 1996

On Mon, 14 Oct 1996, Timothy C. May wrote:

> At 7:06 PM -0800 10/14/96, jim bell wrote:
> >At 04:26 PM 10/14/96 -0400, Ray Arachelian wrote:
> >>On Sun, 13 Oct 1996, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>I'd like to join you on this.  I have sent email to
> >>wallace at asswipespamnet already as well as left them voice mail for every
> >>message they sent, they will be charged $500 per message and the next one
> >>I receive constitutes acceptance.  I've since then recieved about 4-5
> >>more, which means they owe me $2000 or thereabouts. :)
> >>
> >>So what steps do we need in putting some teeth into this?
> >
> >"You rang, Sir?"
> Careful, Jim, you are coming _very_ close to crossing the line. You appear
> to be volunteering to have Mr. Wallace (and perhaps his family?) killed.

    I see nothing in any of these messages about the murder or even 
slightest physical attack against Mr. Wallace.  Instead "putting some 
teeth into this" looks like it implies taking further actions 
on collecting a debt.  I suppose one extreme way of interpreting that 
would be to kill the debtor.

                      [ Bruce M. - Feist Systems, Inc. ]
      "We don't want to get our butts kicked by a bunch of long-haired 
        26-year-olds with earrings." -- General John Sheehan on their 
                       reasons for InfoWar involvement

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