Sandy Sandfort sandfort at
Sun Oct 13 09:09:43 PDT 1996

                          SANDY SANDFORT
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


On Sun, 13 Oct 1996, Dimitri wrote:

> Sandy Sandfort <sandfort at> writes:
> > I can't seem to get a response to my offer from the usually
> > loquacious Dimitri.
> Not true. I already posted 2 responses. Your offer doesn't
> warrant more.

Dimitri's two posts were non-responsive to the offer raised. 
Let's do it by the numbers, shall we, Dimitri?

1)	Do you agree to come to San Francisco and address a
	Cypherpunk meeting if your transportation and hotel 
	accomodations are provided?  Yes or No?  (see 3, below)

2)	When would you like to come out?  We usually have our
	monthly meetings on the second Saturday, but I'm sure we
	could change that, if necessary, for your convenience.
	Please state a specific date or dates you can fly.
	(see 3, below)

3)	Are there any issues/details you need to have resolved
	before you can give final answers to (1) and (2), above?
	If so, what are they?  Please be specific.

Clear enough?

 S a n d y


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