Prove it in Court First

Rabid Wombat wombat at
Sat Oct 12 10:36:28 PDT 1996

Yup. Who died and left the SPA in charge?


On Sat, 12 Oct 1996, Duncan Frissell wrote:

> >From the Software Publisher's Association Code of Conduct for ISPs:
> "It is also a violation of the copyright owner’s rights for an ISP to post,
> or to allow others to use its server(s) to post, materials, like serial
> numbers or cracker utilities, that make it possible for others to execute
> and use pirated software.  Such acts, which either induce or materially
> contribute to copyright infringement by someone else, constitute
> contributory infringement, and expose ISPs to the same liability for
> damages, penalties and injunctive relief as a direct infringer."
> Here is how you violate the copyright of the book "Unix for Dummies" :
> 1)  Get copy of book
> 2)  Go to copy machine
> 3)  Copy the book
> I hereby demand that you copraphageous cretins sue me immediately for
> providing this information.

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