Prove it in Court First

Duncan Frissell frissell at
Sat Oct 12 07:41:11 PDT 1996

>From the Software Publisher's Association Code of Conduct for ISPs:

"It is also a violation of the copyright owner’s rights for an ISP to post,
or to allow others to use its server(s) to post, materials, like serial
numbers or cracker utilities, that make it possible for others to execute
and use pirated software.  Such acts, which either induce or materially
contribute to copyright infringement by someone else, constitute
contributory infringement, and expose ISPs to the same liability for
damages, penalties and injunctive relief as a direct infringer."

Here is how you violate the copyright of the book "Unix for Dummies" :

1)  Get copy of book
2)  Go to copy machine
3)  Copy the book

I hereby demand that you copraphageous cretins sue me immediately for
providing this information.


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