Margaret Milner Richardson loses her breakfast...

Robert Hettinga rah at
Fri Oct 11 21:27:11 PDT 1996

At 5:01 pm -0400 10/11/96, Ray Arachelian wrote:

> Shh, be vewy vewy quiet, I've got a guy subscribing to my filtered list
> from the IRS. :)  (I'm not forwarding tax evasion stuff since it's not
> cpunx related, but still...)

Ah. Somehow, this reminds me of an old Warner Brothers' cartoon spoof of
Wagnerian opera, with Bugs as Brunhilde, and Elmer sproinging along behind
singing "Kill the Wabbit, Kill the Wabbit, ..." etc., to the tune of "The
Ride of the Valkyries".

If you do a "who cypherpunks" to majordomo at, you see all sorts of
fun addresses. (Hi, Elvis!) Hell, I've got feds and spooks all over e$pam,
my filtered *super*set of cypherpunks and a bunch of other e$ lists, and
that's to just 200 folks or so. Also, if you think cypherpunks is a
firehose, you should see e$pam. I'm probably the only filter of cypherpunks
that is actually *bigger*. ("It don't say 'e$pam' until Bob says it says
'e$pam'"). Kawika Daguio of the ABA tells me he has his secretary print it
out every morning and put it in a *binder* so he can read it.

Hell, I zinged that Maggy Ric^h^h^hhards^hon breakfast puppy right out
there to e$pam *first*, before it went to cypherpunks, even.

More fun with numbers,
Bob Hettinga

Robert Hettinga (rah at
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"The cost of anything is the foregone alternative" -- Walter Johnson
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