pgp, edi, s/mime

Adam Shostack adam at
Fri Oct 11 07:51:05 PDT 1996

Raph Levien wrote:

| But how can you be sure that _any_ software does what it's supposed to
| do? As someone (I don't remember who) pointed out a few days ago,
| Kerberos 4 was available in source form for a long time, and it had a
| really weak PRNG.
| How many people have really looked critically at the PGP 2.6.2 sources?
| The key management code, in particular, is pretty bad. I didn't find any
| actual bugs (I wasn't looking for them - I was just trying to understand
| how it worked), but it didn't leave me with much confidence that it's
| completely robust code.

	I've been doing a lot of work recently for an organization
that does a lot of code reviewing.  The technique, while very useful
(we find security & reliability bugs at about one per 20-50 lines of
code, which is dropping to closer to one per hundred as I distribute
copies of code review guidelines I wrote. (available for comment at

	However, reviewing superficially takes about an hour for
500-1000 lines of commented code.  A deep review to find tricky
problems can take much longer.  (I would expect that a review that
moved at 600 lines/hour would have missed the xor bug in PGP's key
generation code in 2.6.0)

	We've found that a review team of fewer than 4 people is less
effective at finding problems, and haven't had more than about 8 in a
review, so I can't offer an upper bound.  Reviewing more than about
2000 lines of code (2-3 hours) in a day burns me out.

	SSH has 16 000 lines of code.  PGP has about 30k, not
including RSAref.

	Incidentally, if someone wants to contract to review ssh, I'd
be interested in talking to you.

| At least with products like Netscape, money is being spent on quality
| assurance.

	QA does not always assure security.  You need a team dedicated
to security QA, although getting code thats been worked over for
reliability is always a win.

| You've raised a good question here. It's just that there are no easy
| answers.

Yep.  I figured I'd share my real world experience in getting secure
code deployed.


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