Tim May is a fine person.

Ray Arachelian sunder at brainlink.com
Thu Oct 10 09:15:52 PDT 1996

On Wed, 9 Oct 1996, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:

> Ha ha ha! Timmy May really lost it. Now he spams this mailing list with
> "anonymous" rants, praising himself in third person. He is pathetic.

Prove that he's doing it.  You're pathetic.
> I'd almost feel sorry for Timmy May if he weren't such an ignorant, arrogant,
> obnoxious, loud-mouthed jerk.

Actually, unlike you, I do feel sorry for you, for you truly have no life
and have nothing better to do than to start flame wars and such.  Do
yourself a favor, get a real life.  Go get off your fat ass and do
something with yourself other than masturbating.  All you seem to be able
to do is to hide under your doctorate and badger this list with your 
crap.  Maybe take a yoga class so you can do what you claim Tim is able 
to, and maybe you'll get a blow job that way...

And how pathetic are your daily warnings about Tim anyway?  Looks like 
your pots are blacker than your kettle, oh lord slackbladder!

As for Tim, this list wouldn't even exist had he not gotten involved with 
it in its conception.  How would you know the difference anyway, you 
weren't here back then, or were you?  Perhaps under the name of Detweiler?

> Timmy May doesn't know shit about cryptography. He wouldn't know a public key
> cryptosystem from a man-in-the-middle attack if one of them bit him on his ass.

You wouldn't know what a life is if one came up to you and bit you on your
ass. Oh tell us oh great one, and what is it that you know?  But spare us 
the flames and hate.  We already know that you are an asshole, of that 
there is little doubt.  What is at doubt is your degree, or is it a 
pedigree?  Shower us with your knowledge if you have any, for it is 
apparent that dazzling us with your bullshit isn't working.
> Timmy has no life. That's why he floods this mailing list with his stupid
> off-topic rants.

And what by your definition is your level of life if all your output 
seems to be nothing more than flames and flame bait?  How much of a loser 
are you to resort to anonymous daily warnings about Tim?  Just how off 
topic and stupid was your message when you posted it?  Just how many 
plates of pork and beans do you eat each day to keep up your innane level 
of flatulence?

Apparently that "Doctorhood" of yours is good only for masturbatory self
congratulations, and when nobody pays attention to it, you turn around and
put others down so that in your oppinion, such as it is, you come out
smelling like roses.  Buddy, I've news for you, you aren't fooling anyone. 
You are the total absolute embodyment of shit.  No, before you
congratulate yourself on your achievement of shithood, you aren't even
even human or dog shit, no.  You are the essence of amoeba shit.  The
lowest of the low. You've a long way to go before you will ever achive 
the status of high human shit.  But I must admit, you certainly know how 
to strive for that goal.  It's too bad you'll never be more than low 
grade microscopic shit though.

And for that, you have my deepest condolances.  At least I hope this 
comforts you in your lack of life, for assuredly you haven't much of one.
At least at a minimum, if you get nothing else from this message, you'll 
get a tenth of an ounce of pitty.

But keep trying, I know it's hard, maybe if you try hard enough, you'll 
achive insect shit, perhaps even horsefly shitdom.  I believe in you 
Vulis, I know you can do it, come on, aspire to achive fly shitdom. :)

And maybe someday, if you are really really good you might even achive 
rat shitdom.  Then we'll be real proud of you for being rat shit, but 
until that time, strive hard and work long hours.  Hey, and when you reach 
rat shitdom and become emeritus ratus shitus, we'll throw you a party!  

 + ^ + |  Ray Arachelian    |FL|       KAOS KERAUNOS KYBERNETOS      |==/|\==
  \|/  |sunder at brainlink.com|UL|__Nothing_is_true,_all_is_permitted!_|=/\|/\=
<--+-->| ------------------ |CG|What part of 'Congress shall make no |=\/|\/=
  /|\  | "A toast to Odin,  |KA| law abridging the freedom of speech'|==\|/==
 + v + |  God of pretzles!" |AK|        do you not understand?       |=======
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