------>FREE DEMO<---------

David e. Smith dsmith at prairienet.org
Thu Oct 10 08:40:30 PDT 1996


>This email is intended for persons that are interested in
>electronic marketing and online business. Your email addresses was 
>selected because you were listed in the net abuse newsgroup as
>someone who probably had their message deleted.  If you are interested
>in learning how you can market online in a way that the cyber-cops
>can't stop you, read on. If you don't fall into this category please 
>excuse the intrusion and ignore this message.  
>Within my targeted group electronic marketers and online businesses, I am 
>especially looking for individuals that are interested in marketing using 
>email.  If you are in that group, you may be interested in a software
>package I distribute called Email Works.  If you'd like more information and
>a FREE DEMO simply call our offices at: 609-933-0644 or 212-953-5234
>Don't reply to the email address from which this came for more information. 
>If you want to be placed on my remove list, reply to the address you
>received this email from with the word remove in the subject line.
>Thank you,

- ---
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