Recent Web site cracks

Alex Filacchione alexf at
Wed Oct 9 06:39:34 PDT 1996

From: 	stewarts at[SMTP:stewarts at]
Sent: 	Tuesday, October 08, 1996 12:37 PM
To: 	pjb at
Cc: 	cypherpunks at
Subject: 	Re: Recent Web site cracks

At 09:46 AM 10/8/96 -0400, pjb at wrote:
>The recent cracks of the DOJ, CIA and Dole web sites have caused me to think 
>about just what is going on here.
>Do you suppose that these entries were made via the httpd route, maybe via 
>cgi-bin, or just a straight telnet-type entry to the server?  I don't know 
>what operating systems were involved with these three systems, or even if

The DOJ and CIA sites were actually cracked; don't know the mechanisms.


Apparently it was the ole phf bug.  Or so I've heard.

Alex F
alexf at

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