Voice Stress Analysis of Debates?

Adamsc Adamsc at io-online.com
Mon Oct 7 21:50:35 PDT 1996

On Sun, 06 Oct 1996 15:28:40 -0800, jim bell wrote:

>>BTW, did anyone notice that some of the evening news anchors are imaged via
>>a camera/DSP to render as more youthful (e.g., removing facial wrinkles)?

>Really?  Where'd you hear this? I suppose it's not beyond the realm of 
>possibility, but that would be rather sophisticated programming, 
>particularly in real-time.

One of the big anchors admitted it.  However it was only possible in the
studio.   Might have even been a contrast-lowering gadget.

#  Chris Adams <adamsc at io-online.com>   | http://www.io-online.com/adamsc/adamsc.htp
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