[complete noise] Re: [IMPORTANT] Blowfish

Rabid Wombat wombat at mcfeely.bsfs.org
Sat Oct 5 21:58:06 PDT 1996

I was thinking of putting Dimitri in for KOTM, so he could put "KOTMx2"
(or does it go right to KOTM^2 ?) after his name. Unfortunately, the
"rules"  clearly prevent anyone from winning more than once. I guess
he'll have to do without, unless we help him out by petitioning for a 
second term (support one of your own - he's working so hard for it).


On Sat, 5 Oct 1996, Anonymous wrote:

> Timothy May's 16Kb brain's single convolution is 
> directly wired to his rectum for input and his T1 
> mouth for output. That's 16K bits, not bytes. Anal 
> intercourse has caused extensive brain damage.

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