John Fricker jfricker at
Sat Oct 5 10:06:56 PDT 1996

>Adamsc (Adamsc at said something about Re: WINDOWS NT ???? on or about 10/5/96 1:00 AM

>Microsoft claims C2 or higher for NT and deserves any ragging they get if
>it's not.   Ditto for any other vendor who claims one thing and sells

You ought to read about C2. 

DIdn't Steve Martin say something like "criticize things you don't know about".

>BTW:  Bizarre NT Quirk #15413 -  The Administrator account does not have
>access to the entire disk.  You got it - if you're the administrator you
>still cannot look into certain directories belonging to another user - even
>if you've given all access privileges to the Admin account.  Got a few
>chuckles at work.

It's not rocket science to defeat this. The administrator is prevented from casually peering into user owned directories but any administrator worth a nickle can tap tap click and have access to any directory. 

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