How to fight GAK by obeying the law

Adamsc Adamsc at
Sat Oct 5 02:53:30 PDT 1996

On Fri, 04 Oct 1996 08:02:04 -0500, Mike McNally wrote:

>> First thing we definitely need is a way to determine with fairly good
>> accuracy, whether a host is in the U.S.

>I really don't see how that's possible, given the possibility of me
>taking my laptop to Ecuador, dialing into a stateside ISP, and being
>issued an IP address in the ISP's domain.  In other words, anything
>that bases a decision on host location by inference on the domain 
>will inherently be rooted in the notion that hosts in that domain are
>stuck to the ground "nearby".

Maybe have the option of identifying host mobility?

#  Chris Adams <adamsc at>   |
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   --- Karen Hargrove, Microsoft (quoted in the Feb 1993 Unix Review editorial)

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