
Troy Varange varange at crl.com
Fri Oct 4 22:19:59 PDT 1996

> >Or maybe this journalist, like most, doesn't know what the fuck he's
> >talking about?
> To which this card-carrying member of the media replies:
> Companies cited in the PRESS RELEASE - that means public relations product,
> not journalism product - were involved in signing off on what went into the
> release. By definition, no member of the press was involved in producing
> this document
> It seems directing questions to the companies would be a good idea.
> Will Rodger
> Washington Bureau Chief
> Interactive Week.

You media monopoly asswipes love corporate press releases because
your too cheap to hire real journalists.

Yes, there's a problem with publishing ADS as news.  Look at the 
magazine shelfs and the newspapers for proof.

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