DESCrack keyspace partitioning

paul at paul at
Fri Oct 4 16:09:46 PDT 1996

> Seems to me that a _subset_ of all possible keys is much more likely
> to appear than a random selection from an equidistributed population 0..2^56.

No, this is not true of a good PRNG

> (P)RNG's just aren't that likely to produce a key of 010101010.....
> nor 001100110011... etc etc and I have been thinking about how one might formalize 
> and exploit this randomness property to increase the probability of finding the key sooner.

Good PRNGs are as likely to produce these key values as anything 
else. the reason random looking patterns occur more often is because 
there are more of them.

> Is not the lack of predictability a predictable, and therefore exploitable, attribute?

The fact is a PRNG may *LOOK* predictable, ie. 111000111000 but the 
next bit will have an equal probability of being a 0 as a 1.

> Any thoughts here?

None whatsoever.

  Datacomms Technologies web authoring and data security
       Paul Bradley, Paul at
  Paul at, Paul at    
      Email for PGP public key, ID: 5BBFAEB1
     "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"

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