Clipper III on the table

Adamsc Adamsc at
Fri Oct 4 05:12:45 PDT 1996

On Tue, 1 Oct 1996 19:34:23 -0800, Timothy C. May wrote:

>As for IBM's involvement, they've played around with the NSA for decades.
>Nothing new there. Fortunately, today they're just a marginal player.

This is a very dangerous statement to make.  IBM is nowhere near as powerful
as they were, but they're still very solidly entrenched in the business
world*.   Money is what will ultimately decide this issue - if  Bill
Clinton's VISA was abused after a hacker sniffed a network transaction ITAR
would be dead within seconds!

* - people have said that OS/2 is dead.  Well it turns out that IBM is making
several *BILLION* in sales every year on it from their business deals. 
According to figures I've seen, they have a high percentage of the F500

#  Chris Adams <adamsc at>   |
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"That's our advantage at Microsoft; we set the standards and we can change them."
   --- Karen Hargrove, Microsoft (quoted in the Feb 1993 Unix Review editorial)

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