
Omegaman omega at bigeasy.com
Fri Oct 4 00:38:31 PDT 1996

> What say ye??
> :From: Zimm2 at gnn.com (Zimm2)
> :Newsgroups: alt.security.pgp
> :Subject: Cypherpunks engaged in censorship?
> :Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 08:39:50
> :
> :It has come to my attention that Cypherpunks no longer allows users of 
> :Microsoft browsers to access their archives.

The "cypherpunks archives" is not owned by the cypherpunks or 
maintained by toad.com (which is the host of the actual list).  The 
owner of infinity.nus.sg/cypherpunks webpage maintains the archive.  
It is his effort and his choice to restrict the browser.

Anyone is free to provide an archive the list.  And anyone can read 
the list.

> :Is it contradictory for an organization who proclaims an interest in the free 
> :exchange of ideas through the mechanism of the Internet to limit the exchange 
> :of ideas using an individual's software decisions as the criteria?


But the cypherpunks is not an "organization" in the strictest sense.  
The only "official" aspect of cypherpunks is the list hosted at 

> :Are issues of annonymity and privacy and the encouragement of private use of 
> :powerful encryption and remailer tools secondary to and less important than a 
> :crusade against a software manufacturer?

Of course not.  But the owner of http://infinity.nus.sg/cypherpunks 
disagrees and since it's his website and he pays for it and compiles 

 Omegaman <mailto:omega at bigeasy.com>
 PGP Key fingerprint =  6D 31 C3 00 77 8C D1 C2  
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