
John Young jya at
Wed Oct 2 10:13:59 PDT 1996

   10-8-96. VV: 
   "The Remailer Is Dead, Long Live the Remailer. Life After 
   Penet."  By Dave Mandl (Excellent, Dave, yes!) 
   By the strict standards of the cypherpunks, a loosely 
   knit affinity group of the Net's most radical and 
   technoliterate privacy advocates, Penet's security was 
   actually on the flimsy side. Its Achilles' heel was the 
   file --  just begging to be subpoenaed -- that linked 
   users' real names to their Penet pseudonyms. 
   Cypherpunk-run remailers, on the other hand, generally 
   leave no trace of the sender's true identity. In 
   addition, cypherpunk remailers can be "chained" -- 
   messages can be routed through several far-flung 
   remailers before reaching their final destination, making 
   message tracing all but impossible, even for the remailer 

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