White House crypto proposal -- too little, too late

jim bell jimbell at pacifier.com
Wed Oct 2 04:49:19 PDT 1996

At 08:50 PM 10/1/96 -0700, John Anonymous MacDonald wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 14:56:21 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: Declan McCullagh <declan at well.com>
>> "What?" I asked. "Unless you're talking about import restrictions."
>> "Exactly," he said.
>> -Declan
>I don't doubt that they can do this if they really want to, but I
>wonder what legal basis they will use for import restrictions.
>Are there any current import restrictions for products on can legally
>manufacture, sell, and use in the United States?

Jim Bell
jimbell at pacifier.com

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