Clipper III on the table

attila attila at
Tue Oct 1 23:16:36 PDT 1996

In <199610011844.OAA02818 at>, on 10/01/96 
   at 02:44 PM, "Perry E. Metzger" <perry at> said:

=1Estewarts at writes:
=1E> Hip Hip Hooray!  Clinton will finally let us use _some_
=1E> 20+year-old encryption code, which has been known to be relatively 

=1E> weak for 15 years, as long as we give them all our keys!  What a guy=

=1EI personally don't mind forcing escrow of 56 bit keys so long as
=1Epeople can use 128 bit keys without escrow. >:-)

        c'mon, perry, might as well push it on up to 2048. <g & RTFM>

        besides, their "hiding their heads in the sand" game is getting
    hysterical; it's approaching a bad Monty Python gig for silliness.

=1E> I assume he's partly doing this to make a big "See, I'm in favor 
=1E> of high-tech trade and crime-fighting" push in time for the election=
=1E> and unlike RC4/40, cracking DES on general-purpose processors 
=1E> _is_ a big enough job that probably can't do a distributed crack 
=1E> in two weeks.

=1EWe really have to work on cracking DES at least once -- it would
=1Esubstantially reduce the wind in the Administration's sails.

        while you have the setup, try at least three messages so the
    whiners have not claim to " was a lucky hit...!"

        what did the 128 key 1976 Scientific American challenge
    take in resources a few years back? it was 386s?

        meanwhile, go after the new one they are using for the govern-
    ment.  you are absolutely correct that the wind will be calm in
    their sails if it is nailed enough times --if we can get the mainstre=
    to publish it, and all of us not rounded up for dope, or one of the
    other easy to drop evidence attacks, to get us off the street.... 

       given the smell of the Inslaw / 'Promis' deal with its back doors =

    big enough to drive a truck in and imbedded sniffers, I'm sure DES 
    has a few...  NSA is not about to pass that up, and they wrote it.

  "I don't make jokes. 
    I just watch the government and report the facts."
        --Will Rogers

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