This list is a joke

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at
Tue Oct 1 22:36:24 PDT 1996

                          SANDY SANDFORT
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


On Tue, 1 Oct 1996, Dave Temple wrote:

> When I subscribed to this list, I thought it would have decent
> communication on worthwhile topics.  I've come to realize
> though that 75% of the messages I receive are from people
> whining like 4 year olds...

We would all do well to remember Sturgen's Rule.  For those of
you who do not know the story, Theodore Sturgen(sp?) is/was a 
noted science fiction writer.  At a science fiction convention
some years back he began a speech by saying, "Ninty percent of
all science fiction is crap!"  

The audience was stunned into absolute silence by his blasphemy.  
After a pause of several beats, Sturgen quietly added, "Ninty
percent of EVERYTHING is crap."

Cypherpunks should take pride in having a crap content of only 
seventy-five percent.  Keep up the good work folks.

> Please take my name off of this list.

You're an adult, Dave.  You'll have to do that yourself (and no
whining, okay?)

 S a n d y


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