Patent Fight Could Add to Cost of Inter

jim bell jimbell at
Thu Nov 21 17:31:45 PST 1996

At 05:06 AM 11/21/96 CST, Alan Pugh wrote:
>Associated Press Writer 
>NEW YORK (AP) _ A little-known patent could raise the cost of 
>doing business over the Internet for companies selling software, 
>video or other digital products delivered online. 
>E-Data Corp. of Secaucus, N.J., is suing 17 companies, including 
>McGraw-Hill and CompuServe, to collect licensing fees on the 
>patent, which protects downloading of encrypted digital 
>information. A court hearing is scheduled Dec. 6 in New York on the 
>company's claims. 

Notice, as usual, the Orwellian use of the word "protects" in the paragraph 
above.  While apparently written by a journalist, it echoes the usage of 
lawyers.  Nothing is really being "protected," it is being monopolized.

Jim Bell
jimbell at

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