US supporting dissidents? (was Re: Rogue Governments Issuing Policy Tokens)

Alan Olsen alan at
Wed Nov 20 17:08:39 PST 1996

At 06:52 PM 11/20/96 -0500, Jeremiah A Blatz wrote:

>Trademarks are not copyrights. There is no fair use for trademarks. In
>addition, civil suits are not criminal trials. The USG can't throw
>your ass in jail for making "big brother inside" stickers, but Intel
>can sue your ass off.
>In a related note, you may be safe from lible suits...

Make you wonder how Mad magazine has gotten away with it all these years...
 (Maybe we could get Mad to print them!  Would make an interesting cover...)

ObSpyVSSpy:  Mad TV (on Fox) has been running animated Spy V.S. Spy
cartoons.  (Usually one or two per episode.)  Probibly best thing about the
show.  (I mentioned this because one "prominent Cypherpunk" at Orycon had
not known about them.)
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