Censor John Gilmore -- EFF is a disgrace!

Stephen Boursy boursy at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 18 16:21:50 PST 1996

George A. Stathis wrote:
> At 12:07 ðì 17/11/1996 -0600, snow wrote:
>>    Boursy is a twit who has lost more accounts that Vulis.

  I've lost but one account--world.std.com (Software Tool &
Die) soon to be purchased by the conglomorate Plug Pullers
R US.  That was entirely related to a local rent control
matter.  Now I may be a 'twit'--that is an entirely
different matter.

> I would suggest that it is not at all a "safe" indication of personal
> or intellectual _worth_, (of Mr. Boursy or of anyone) "how many
> accounts he has lost".

   I would say though that if one makes false statements as has
this 'snow' character it indicates a lack of credibiltiy.

>>    Ignore him.

  Something you seem unable to do.  Isn't it odd how some will
tell you how insignificant and irrelevant you are only to devote
so much of their time and energy to you.  I find that very odd.

> It is not ethical to send such strong negative _injunctions_ to masses
> of people and also to strangers (the 1900-strong members of the cyberphunks
> list for instance). 

  Well thanks George but I do think his statement speak for themselves.
I'm not in the least concerned someone like him could harm me--in fact
I find it very amusing that he is deemed 'acceptable for that list
while Dr. Vulis is not.

> Because, you may or may not have strong reasons for
> believing you are justified in such invalidation, but more than a 1000
> people are now _told_ by (self-appointed) "experts" such as yourself what
> and whom to ignore or to believe. (Like sheep led to the slaughter)...

   Well that's sort of like Tiny Tim Skirvin and his Global Killfile--
it does him more harm than those he is after--in fact little Tim reads
my every word.

> But what you are doing now, extending the "1-person-blacklist" to your
> number-two-entry (Mr. Boursy) is exactly the thing that I hoped you might
> avoid.

  And based on lies as well--I've only had one account terminated--that
by Barry Shein who lives in Brookline, Ma. and that was entirely do
to real estate industry money and the rent control issue (a statewide
referrendum on rent control which existed only in Brookline, Cambridge,
and Boston)--many millions of dollars at stake there.  Shein is simply
a whore.
>         First they kicked out Dimitri Vulis.
>         Then they slandered and kept out Steve Boursy.

  Well my suggestion--given the size of the list and that we have
numerous sympathizers there--is to have all of their posts forwarded
and publically post them for free and open discussion.


>         Then...
>         When they came after me, there was nobody left to support me.
> (You can perhaps realize what this paraphrase is about)... :-(
> Sincerily, and with... Sanity of Mind :-)
> George Stathis

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