War Powers, Executive Orders, &c [was: National Emergency]

attila at primenet.com attila at primenet.com
Sat Nov 16 19:25:19 PST 1996

In <199611160123.RAA00315 at crypt.hfinney.com>, on 11/15/96 
   at 05:23 PM, Hal Finney <hal at rain.org> said:

:  [snip]  The thing
:I found interesting is that it refers to the fact that we are currently
:living under a state of national emergency!  I searched on the whitehouse
:web site and couldn't find the executive order referred to (maybe it was
:  [snip]

        I remember, sometime ago, stumbling across a reference  that an 
    Executive Order for a State of National Emergency at the request of 
    James Stanton from Lincoln has never been withdrawn.  

        does not make a lot of difference anyway --Slick Willie would: 

            a) ignore any restrictions not to his liking; or,

            b) write a new one.

        actually, the ones to worry about are the various interlocking
    Executive Orders for FEMA --that is a pure police state with total
    property condemnation without process or compensation.

        that, and the even more ominous "survey" given to all USMC 
    spec-op/recon units (including my oldest boy) and all Navy Seals:
        46. The U.S. government declares a ban on the possession, sale,
            transportation, and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. 
            ...Consider the following statement:
                I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist 
                confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government." 

                        --The USMC 29 Palms Combat Arms Survey

    one last parting shot:

          without arms they do not resist; 
            without communication they know not what to resist.

    Cyberspace and Information are Freedom!  
        FUCK your WIPO, too. 

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