It Used to Be Eric's Inscrutable Deficiency

blanc blancw at
Sat Nov 16 14:18:31 PST 1996

In glancing through and deleting so many messages about how blasphemous and perverted John Gilmore is for having "censored" one list afficionado (more symbolically than in actual fact), I am amused to recall that it used to be Eric Hughes who was the bad guy identified as the Egotistical Slave Master who abused his ownership privileges.    Now he's left the list, it is JG who gets the drift & drivel about list management.

Strange, too, that those who clamor for freedom of speech are accusing JG of being contrary to his principles.   They expect that just because individuals should be at liberty to speak, everyone must therefore be prepared to tolerate all manner and kind of insults against themselves (or be a passive witness to it).

In that case, it would mean that because individuals are to be free "to do" as they will, therefore that courtesy and manners are no longer valid, that high standards of personal behavior are not important, that self-command is not required, that exercising one's best judgement is of no practical value for life in the real world.

It would mean that in the environment of liberty, it would be incorrect for individuals to prevent assaults against themselves or their morals, against their personal preferences, or against their choice of topics for a discussion list which they started.  This would mean that, for instance, it wouldn't be right for free individuals to prevent from being sexually molested, because it would be "censorship" against the perpetrator.

These complaintants against censorship must not understand the purpose for freedom of action, of expression, etc.; that they do not understand the need for being "free":   

it is so that one may, without interferance from uninvited participants, engage in arranging the elements of one's existence for the greatest benefit to oneself.   Tolerating insulting drivel does not fall into that category.

The environment of liberty to express oneself also permits the exercise of the highest logic possible to an unfettered intelligence.  Filling up the mailing list with irrelevant accusations about bizarre sexual practices is not of any logical benefit towards enlightenment on the subjects of encryption or privacy.   


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