THAT is what makes John Gilmore an ASSHOLE!

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at
Sat Nov 16 09:22:59 PST 1996

aga <aga at> writes:
> >
> > If you send mail to "cypherpunks at", either directly, OR
> > in a "Cc:" which is a 'carbon copy', it will goto the the cypherpunks
> > mailing list WETHER YOU ARE SUBSCRIBED OR NOT. It still goes.
> >
> Well, that is really a fuck-up by John Gilmore, is it not?
> Just when is the asshole going to learn how to run a mailing list?

Never, but he might get some Cygnus support employee to do it for him. :-)

John has the right to configure his private mailing list to reject submissions
from non-subscribers or even sepecific people - but not the balls.

> > In any case trying to reason with you is like trying to talk
> > to a tree stump. It's giving me a headache. So I'm not going
> > to accept any mail from you any more. Anything you send that
> > get's to me via the cypherpunks mailing list, or via direct
> > mail from yourself will be returned unread, to you. I'm not
> > under any obligation to accept any traffic from you, so I won't.
> Good, just tell Gilmore what an asshole he is for letting
> mail go to his mailing list that is not intended to go there.
> And stop sending me your stupid e-mail.  Send this shit to
> usenet like Mr. Boursy told you to do.

Again John Gilmore/EFF demonstrate their true agenda: they can filter
out the e-mail they don't like, but they want to prevent others from
reading it as well. Clearly their concern for free speech extends only
to their corporate sponsors, such as net.pronography peddlers.

> > You may have a right to a voice, but I have a right not to listen
> > I'm not going to infringe on your right to rant, but damned if
> > I have to listen to a single packet of it. The saw cuts both ways.
> time for the alt.asshole.john-gilmore newsgroup

An excellent idea, Dr. Grubor! Shall we newgroup alt.flame.john-gilmore or
alt.bonehead.john-gilmore or both?


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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