[REBUTTAL] Censorship on cypherpunks?, from The Netly News

aga aga at dhp.com
Sat Nov 16 03:00:05 PST 1996

On Fri, 15 Nov 1996, Dave Kinchlea wrote:

> Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 15:18:12 -0800 (PST)
> From: Dave Kinchlea <security at kinch.ark.com>
> To: aga <aga at dhp.com>
> Cc: cypherpunks at toad.com
> Subject: Re: [REBUTTAL] Censorship on cypherpunks?, from The Netly News 
> So, you send all of your snail mail on post cards do you? No
> sealed envelopes at all? Afterall you have nothing to hide, right?

Irrelevant analogy; snail.mail and e-mail.  The former is in physical
form, and the latter usually never is.

> Of course not, privacy isn't about being a criminal, its about being
> private. It is not akin to anonymity, *perhaps* those who work
> anonymously have `something to hide' (still doesn't necessarily make
> them a criminal, however), 

Anonymity on the InterNet is a Constitutional right, and is the
sole supporter of freedom of speech.

> I'll let someone else field that as I feel
> that anonymity is rarely a good thing. 

I disagree, anonymity is a good thing that will never
be questioned by anybody, but your PGP will, and it
is really not safe anyway.

> Privacy, on the other hand, simply means that not everything I do is any
> of your business and I would just as soon you not be tempted to even
> bother trying to find out. 

If you do not send it to me by e-mail, I will never see it.
Why are you so paranoid that someone is reading your e-mail?
I never do anything criminal, so I could give a shit less if
everybody reads all of my fucking mail.

> Of course, if all of your personal mail (including financial statements
> etc) is sent on post cards, then (while I think you would be crazy) I
> will at least admit you are consistent. Else, I think you need to look
> hard at the logic you are using.

Again, inconsistant analogy.  This is nothing but photons in it's
ultimate form, and it will never see paper.  Anything that _you_
print is not attributable to me, and any e-mail printed by you
would never be acceptable as a court exhibit.

stop getting cyberspace mixed up with print.

why do you put that cypherpunks address in the header?
just where did this e-mail originate from?

Steve, are you on that cypherpunks list?


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