[REBUTTAL] Censorship on cypherpunks?, from The Netly News

Mike McNally m5 at tivoli.com
Thu Nov 14 11:43:11 PST 1996

Dave Hayes wrote:
>  Symbolically, he punched holes in his ideology. That's my
> opinion.

Note that this is only true if John's ideology in the first placed
was what you think it was.  He may have "punched holes" in the
conception of John's ideology that you'd formed in your own mind,
of course.

Thus, John's actions punched no holes in my ideology, since such an
action always has had a perfectly respectable place there.

Mike M Nally * IBM % Tivoli * Austin TX  * How quickly we forget that
mailto:m5 at tivoli.com mailto:m101 at io.com  * "deer processing" and "data
http://www.io.com/~m101/                 * processing" are different!

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