Information [for new PGP user]

Dale Thorn dthorn at
Sat Nov 9 10:04:11 PST 1996

Paul Bradley wrote:
> > >I'll bet you can't find 10 out of 1,000 users who have read the total source,
> > >let alone comprehended and validated it.
> > Depending on the system, compiler and version of PGP, compilation may or
> > may not function as expected.

> I class myself as quite an experience programmer (though I haven`t
> done a lot of code recently) but I spent several days weeding through
> the bugs and it still wouldn`t compile on Borland C++ V4.51 so I just
> read the core code and hoped the executable was really derived from
> that code. I`m normally more paranoid than that but I just don`t have
> the time to spend getting borland to compile it. It won`t even
> compile on my system with the borland makefile than comes with PGP.

Yet another success (NOT!) story for PGP.  I wonder how many people on this list
would be willing to bet something *really* important to them on the security of PGP?

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