Blocking addresses by default

Sean Roach roach_s at
Fri Nov 8 13:56:59 PST 1996

On Thu, 7 Nov 1996 15:25:07 -0500, Rich Graves wrote:
>   What's wrong with this scheme? Other than the fact that all remailers 
>   would have to change their software at the exact same moment. :-)

To which 04:15 PM 11/8/96 +1300, Paul Foley wrote:
>This is not true, of course.  Implement it in two stages.  First
>recognise and strip the disclaimer, but don't prepend one, then, when
>all remailers are doing this, start prepending information.
You could also maintain a list of remailers to suggest that DO have this
feature, rig a random number generator to decide which of these the post
should be sent to, up to the number specified, if the sender doesn't
explicitly state which to send it to.
Also, if you can strip it, and flag that it has been stripped, you can
append a new one, but only to posts that you stripped them off of.

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