
James A. Tunnicliffe Tunny at
Fri Nov 8 09:22:20 PST 1996

By way of JYA:
> >"WinKrypt's marriage of highly sophisticated technology -- such
> >as the advanced, not-for- export 256-bit GOST encryption
> >algorithm contained in the KeyMail program -- with a
> >user-friendly interface virtually redefines the PC security
> >category," said Syncronys.

ROTFL!  Marvelous.  This from the folks who brought us SoftRam95,
arguably the most blatant fraud ever perpetuated on the software buying
public. For that, they recently got off with a remarkably soft slap on
the wrist from the FTC.  (See
l for the story.)  I wouldn't buy a _screen saver_ from these folks, let
alone a mission critical piece like email encryption!

 James A. Tunnicliffe   | WWWeb:
 Inference Corporation  | PGP Fingerprint:   CA 23 E2 F3 AC 2D 0C 77
 tunny at    |                    36 07 D9 33 3D 32 53 9C

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