[NOISE] Censorship of Dr. Vulius

Cerridwyn Llewyellyn ceridwyn at wolfenet.com
Mon Nov 4 22:37:51 PST 1996

At 10:00 AM 11/4/96 -0500, you wrote:
>someone abuses that priveledge they may lose it. Plain and simple.  It is
>also worthy to note that the Right to Free Speech, etc. applies to the
>government (IOW, the government can not hinder the right to free speech so
>long as that speech does not infringe upon someone else's right.  Since when
>is this list government run?  The decision was apparently a personal one.

I don't think anyone has argued that the owner of the list doesn't have the
right to remove people from it.  However, simply because he has the right to
doesn't mean he should, and it also doesn't mean other members can't or
shouldn't argue that he made a bad decision (unless, of course, the dissenting
members are removed as well.)  Many, if not most, members believe the list
should be run in a non-authoritarian manner (whoever argued that the term
authoritarian applies only to governments is wrong.  the difference is a person
has the right to act in an authoritarian manner over his own property whereas
a government doesn't have that right over it's citizens.  Again, however,
the right doesn't necessarily make it "okay").  

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