The Crisis with Remailers

Lance Cottrell loki at
Sat May 18 18:11:42 PDT 1996

At 8:37 PM 5/15/96, Timothy C. May wrote:
>We used to discuss remailer architecture, topology, functionality, and
>"ideal behavior" quite a bit a few years ago, but seldom do here on the
>Cypherpunks list anymore. Various reasons: same old discussions,
>commercialization of Mixmaster-type remailers (so I hear, and Lance
>Cottrell can clarify this if this is indeed a factor) may be inhibiting
>free discussion of planned features, and perhaps the discussion is going on
>elsewhere (on remailerpunks, or the remailer operator's list).

The commercialization of Mixmaster fell through some time ago. It is back
to being completely free of encumberments. A second implementation is also
in the works (by a better programmer than I).


Lance Cottrell   loki at
PGP 2.6 key available by finger or server.
Mixmaster, the next generation remailer, is now available! or FTP to

"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly
it flips over, pinning you underneath.  At night the ice
weasels come."

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